Hey Charmaine! It was great to see you last week at the Bernadette Chapman workshop, it really was great day, especially because of such a lovely crowd! As you’ll remember, as part of the workshop you had a very quick micro headshot session with me and here are your photos! I was absolutely thrilled with how everyone’s came out. For such a short time I think we managed to get a really great little gallery together for you to boost your marketing and online presence to help you with all the great goals you set at the workshop. These shots are great for all across your social media outlets, website, printed marketing resources, business cards and much more. To see them simply click the VIEW PHOTOS button below. Included in the workshop ticket is one digital download, so just reply to this email with your the number of your favourite image and I will send the gallery back to you with this image with the watermark removed and a download PIN. However, if you love them all you can you can purchase the full gallery for just £40 (my usual price for a single digital image!) If you want them all details for online payment are as follows: Account Number: 99099576 Sort Code: 608371 Account Name: Charlotte Alexander Once I have received payment I will send you an invoice for your records and the gallery with all the watermarks removed and a download PIN. Let me know what you think about your photos, I can’t wait to see what you do with them! Have a great day! Charlie :)